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Diabetic Foot Care

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In the United States alone, almost 40 million Americans live with either type-1 or type-2 diabetes. Approximately half of those cases will experience nerve damage as a result.

At Eastern Idaho Foot Clinic, Dr. Cooper is experienced in caring for patients with foot conditions related to diabetes, allowing him to treat the causes as well as the symptoms. There are many issues you might experience with diabetes, often including, but not limited to:

  • An increase in ulcers and infections
  • Burning and tingling issues in your feet
  • Cramps and sharp pains in your feet, ankles, and legs
  • Numbness and loss of sensation
  • Weakened foot and lower leg muscles

Over time, the symptoms of diabetes can cause damage to the nerves, especially in the hands and feet, resulting in peripheral neuropathy (PN). According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, one-third to one-half of people with diabetes will have PN. Below is a quick and easy guide to ensuring better foot health with diabetes.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

PN affects your body's extremities. These are the outermost parts, such as your hands and feet. It is a type of nerve damage and is often caused by diabetes, injury, or infections. There are numerous warning signs of this condition you need to be aware of.

Numbness or reduced ability to feel temperature changes or pain

This is one of the first signs of PN. High blood glucose can cause nerve branches to shrivel and die. When this happens, your skin cannot sense touch or temperature as you usually would.

Burning or tingling

Another early sign of nerve damage is burning and tingling in your hands and feet. It usually starts in the toes and move upward. This can also cause overly dry or overly moist feet.

Cramps or sharp pain

As nerve damage worsens, you can experience cramps and sharp pains that often worsen at night. This is usually the result of hypoglycemia associated with both types of diabetes.

Sensitivity to touch

You might also have the opposite effect of numbness with diabetic nerve damage. Your feet can become very sensitive to the point where even the touch of a cotton sheet can feel painful.

Weak muscles

With diabetic nerve damage also comes diabetic amyotrophy, which is more common in older people with diabetes. This weakens the feet but can also affect your thighs, hips, and buttocks. 

Loss of reflexes in ankles

The surrounding issues of PN cause severe damage to your ankle reflexes, which is why testing reflexes is used to diagnose the condition and any damage to the tibial or sciatic nerve.

Low balance and coordination

Ankle damage can further damage your feet to the point of causing issues when you walk. This can be the result of loss of nerve function and lead to further issues such as misshapen joints.

Ulcers, infections, and joint pain in the feet

One of the most severe symptoms of PN is the emergence of sore feet. You can hurt yourself and not know because of nerve damage, resulting in infections and ulcers that cause painful joints.

Diabetes Foot Care Tips

To combat some of the issues around peripheral neuropathy, you must take better care of your feet, more than most other people. This means developing a routine and sticking to it. It can be hard at first, but here are some expert tips to help you take the best care of your feet:

Check your feet every day 

Nerve damage can result from an injury you aren't aware of. Always make sure there are no cuts, redness, nail problems, or swelling. If you do notice something unusual, call your doctor.

Bathe your feet often

Take care to always bathe your feet in lukewarm water—never hot water. And be gentle with your feet, using a soft washcloth or sponge to wash them. A foot spa can provide more relief.

Trim your nails straight across

You must be careful when trimming your toenails to avoid an injury you don't feel. Also, when trimming your toenails, trim them straight across, and don't cut them too short.

Wear clean, dry socks every day

It's more hygienic to change your socks daily because of moisture build-up. You can also get socks made specifically for diabetes that remove moisture and don't have elastic tops.

Check your shoes before putting them on

With PN, the feet might not be able to feel foreign objects, like pebbles, if they get in your shoes, so make sure you shake them out before putting them on to avoid an injury.

Get regular foot exams

Having your feet examined by a specialist on a regular basis can help prevent other foot complications associated with diabetes. It can also identify emerging issues for treatment.

Contact Eastern Idaho Foot Clinic

It is essential that you see a good doctor trained to treat PN if you are diabetic or have any of these symptoms. Please contact our team at (208) 523-2928 to make an appointment.